I have a very small wooden chest that is the perfect size to hold business cards. That little chest is my prayer card box. I took sheets of blank business cards and printed the names of people, groups and things that I wanted to pray for, a different name on each card. I have actually regretfully slipped out of the habit of using my little box. Sometimes I just don’t have it with me where I am at and other times I am just daunted by how large that stack of cards has become. Today a solution rung in my head. I can use my phone! My phone is my new prayer card box. Pretty much everyone I pray for, or should be praying for, on a regular basis is in my contact list in my phone. I plan on praying for one letter of the alphabet a day. This way, by the 26th day of each month, I will have prayed for everyone whose phone number is saved in my contact list. I am really looking forward to having a way to not miss out on blanketing my people in prayer, as well as praying for people and things I have probably never prayed for before, like Mr. Gatti’s and my credit union. How do you pray for your people?

Great idea, love this plan.
I think prayer is the most powerful yet most un-used tool of us Christians.