A Poopy Diaper

A Poopy Diaper

My son is about nine months old and he is not yet potty trained.  When he was younger he couldn’t really stand to have a poopy diaper.  It was really quite amazing.  As soon as he would finish taking care of business he would look at you with pleading eyes saying, “Please take this smelly thing off of me.”  Then he learned to crawl!  The world is so much bigger now.  There is so much to see, so many places to go and of course so much to eat (since everything is obviously eatable).  Now it seems, the poopy diaper can wait.  “Come on Dad, what’s the big deal?  It’s just a little poo and I have so much to do…like taste that shoe!”

When we first begin to follow Christ, when He changes us and opens our eyes to a new world, we become distinctly aware of our “poop”.  We know its smelly and needs to be dealt with and we feel such a relief when God says, “I’ll take care of that.”  Sadly, we “mature” a little and it seems we forget that poo is not only stinky it’s downright dangerous when not dealt with.  We “mature” and we suddenly begin to think, “A little poo won’t hurt.  I don’t really have time to take care of that any way because I need to ________________.”  Fill in the blank.  Anything will “doo.”

In the 24th Psalm we learn that  if you want to be used of God, if you want to experience the power of God, you must have “clean hands and a pure heart…”.  So what poo are you sitting in?  What is it that is  holding you back from the fullness of your destiny?  Let’s seek the purifying fire of God in this new year.  Let’s pray and take the steps necessary so that God might day by day remove more and more of those things in us that are not of Him.  2011 is the year of your destiny, but you will only fulfill it by first stepping this very day into the process of purification.


  1. michaellytle


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