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You Are Called….A Letter

Did you know that you are a walking letter?  In 2 Corinthians Paul uses the theme of letters to describe those who have taken hold of the freedom given them by the life of Christ.  By the sacrifice of Jesus and through your acceptance of His gift, Christ has writ large freedom on your heart.  You are a child of God and through and through you are a testament of all that is good, all that is just, all that is pure.  You were bought with a price, redeemed and it is your privilege and right to display the glory of God in every aspect of who you are.  The fact of the matter is, if you are daily conversing with the creator you will indeed be reflecting Him.  And like waters upon which the sun is rising, your reflection will become more and more brilliant the longer you stay in the presence of the Son.
To be quite pointed, each and every human is a letter of some sort.  The question is, for whom are you testifying?  Whose words do people see when they read your life?  Do they see words of hope?  Words of life? Words of freedom?  Today realize that you are an open book and no one will be judging you by your cover but by your content.  Let us be sure that we are reflecting the truth of what God has done for us.  Live by the Spirit.  Allow him to scrape away any layers of silt or dross that have begone to dull the beauty of his creation—that creation being YOU!—and let the words of truth shine their statements, boldly declaring that you have been etched with the Word of Life.

“You show that you are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” (2 Corinthians 3:3)

3 thoughts on “You Are Called….A Letter

  1. Fred Tomas

    Thanks but once more for offering terrific content material yet again. Definitely a professional-blogger if I’ve seen one particular.

  2. Janetta Brizendine

    Never mistake motion for action. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

  3. Kasyna Inter

    Great read. I also think it could be a bit longer 😉

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