I had a dream the other night about the end of the world. How much longer do we have? None of us knows exactly. The real question that you must ask yourself is, “How much longer do I have?” Again, the answer is the same, but at once the impact should be far more sudden, far more meaningful and compelling. You do not know if in the next five minutes or fifty years you will enter into death. So what are you doing with your life? What do you have to show for yourself? What will your legacy be? My aching desire is for every human being on the face of this earth to stop simply existing and to begin to truly live life.
Alas, I am but a man and though this be my desire it is likewise the desire of God! And His desires, if I may be allowed an understatement, are so much bigger than mine.
However cliche it might sound, I can put it no other way: the way to Life is through a relationship with the Giver of life. By beginning a conversation with Jesus Christ you will embark on Life with a capital “L”. You might feel that there are a lot of kinks in His people and that His apparent church is positively scary or at least, a little off. Your feelings are justified. But I challenge you to consider the person of Jesus Christ. “What other god do you know of that has come for you? What other god has pursued you with his love? The fact is, no one else cares for you, human or divine, as does He.”* Even at this very moment, and in all the ones past, it is God who is and was the sustainer of your existence. Clarity will come when you turn to the one who brings meaning into a world that otherwise is a meaningless mess. God has been pursuing you and I believe you know it. You have experienced Him and though you may question it, deep down you know. This very moment is the time for you to begin a conversation with Him. Not in five minutes, not in fifty years, now! The very name of God means “now” because He is present, He is close, He is. In the vein of Pascal, “What do you have to loose?” In the vein of Christ, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life”–Life is to be gained.
*Paraphrased from a conversation by Erwin Mcmanus, www.mosaic.org/podcast
hey, Keep up the good work. very informative, and love all the information provided. I love everything i have read so far 🙂