Passionate husband-father-preacher-teacher-writer-fighter, I am thoroughly intoxicated with living life because I am possessed by its Author.
My full name is and means: Michael[“Who is like God!/?”] Phillip[“Lover of Horses”] Lytle[“Small in Stature Mighty in Strength” / “Much in Little”]
…I am optimistically positive that in many ways a description of my character can be found there within and am waiting for the fulfillment of said manifestations…. 🙂
I am husband to a woman far more precious than rubies, in beauty and wisdom alike. Father to four beautifully spirited children, boy-boy-girl-boy: “Wild at heart–Who is like God”, “Praising God–Young Horse,” “Eloquent–Truth,” and “My God is Salvation–Lover of Horses.”
My father taught me the power of the question. My mother taught me the meaning of perseverance (and to take the essence out). My sisters taught me the joy of being a big brother. My paternal and maternal family heritage is deep and wide, full of prayer warriors and preachers. I am multicultural, multiracial, and multidenominational. I am 100% black and 100% white, a hypostatic racial union. Proof that a thing need not be either/or when it can be both/and!
I have been called to preach to teach to serve and have been doing so in one “professional” capacity or another since 2000, both in the public school district and in the Church. There is so much left to do and I count each office and endeavor a privilege and honor…
I have trained in martial arts since 1987 and in a hyper formal capacity since 2000. I have trained in “Movie Martial Arts,” Jeet Kune Do, Tang Soo Do, Muay Thai, Judo, and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu.
I have been created with the potential to do so much and have so little time…The same is true of you…maybe even more so! So what are you doing to fulfill your purpose?! My handle/internet identity/tag/etc has been “morteltyme” since I was in high school. Here is the poem I wrote from which I took my name:
“We mortals are slaves to the seemingly immortal, time. But oh mortal time, one day you too shall cease. The question though is not whether time shall cease but whether you and I will cease. In Truth we can find hope for tomorrow and promise of that life that follows our appointed death. Seek Love, seek Truth, seek Life, seek Jesus. It is He who is the absolute beginning and end to all that is. Seek the Alpha and Omega. Godspeed to the righteous.”
For more info about me checkout
Godspeed to the righteous!
![Michael Lytles Family](
![Michael Lytles Family Michael Lytles Family1](
![Michael Lytles Family Michael Lytles Family2](
![Michael Lytles Family, Youth Uprising Ministries Michael Lytles Family, Y.U.M.](
![My Son, Trystan Trystan 2004](
![Proud Big Brother!](